Chubby and the Circus
by Yaeseaul Yoo

There was a circus performing and there was a little boy who was drooling – his name was Chubby. Fascinated by the glittering circus parades he just stopped and stared. Monkeys somersaulted here and there. Clowns were juggling and giving balloons to children. On the carriage there was a beautiful dancing show girl and fancy musicians. The music was so joyous that everyone on the street swung their bodies, and there was an elephant, he exclaimed, “Come to Jumbo’s Circus! Here is every joy for you. If you guys come to see a circus there will be no regret.”
The little boy stayed there even that the parade had ended. It was very tempting, so he wanted to see that circus and Chubby ran to home directly and shouted, “I wanna go to the circus!” His mother was in the kitchen and making dinner. She greeted her son with a big smile. She tried to say something but he interrupted her.
“I do wanna watch the circus.”
She showed sadness but it wiped out soon, then she said, “That is not such a good place to go.”
“But I want to.” Chubby cried out again.
Then his father showed up and admonished to him, “What are you doing my son? You should not talk like that to your mother and never cut in when your mother is talking.”
Chubby became sulky.
“Go to the dining table,” his father said.
Chubby walked with a stagger. When he was about to sit on the chair, his mother asked him of he had washed his hands. Without answering Chubby walked slowly toward the bathroom. His father looked offended. He came back and saw mamu, he sighed and his father never missed his sigh. The little boy trifled with his food and picked out onion, spinach and green pepper.
Finally his father got angry with him. “You really burn me. What’s wrong with you Chubby?” he shouted.
“I don’t want to eat these things, it’s disgusting!”
“What” I told you, you have to eat them.”
“No, I don’t want to.”
“Do not talk back to your father.”
Chubby was almost about to cry.
“Don’t push him too hard,” mother told to father.
“Come here Chubby, don’t cry.”
But Chubby told off to his mother, “Don’t pretend that you’re having pity at me.”
“You fatty boy! Don’t talk to your mother like that.”
Chubby burst into tears and cried, “You can’t be my parents.” And he ran out.
Mother tried to run after him but father dissuaded, “If we just keep fonding him he will lapse from good manners, and he will come back when he become tired.”
Anyway Chubby ran and ran and he couldn’t help but stop running because he was very tired. Where he stopped was unfamiliar place to him but just scary. He could hear a cry that he never heard before and he could see anything at all because of deep darkness. He couldn’t find a star. He was exhausted and missed his parents. His eyes seemed that don’t know when to stop tearing. He fallen to the ground by something like tree’s root and his knee grazed. Fortunately he saw something bright. He followed the lights. He couldn’t recognise at first what that lights came from but soon he recognised that light was coming from the circus and he could hear music too. He did know how he can go back to him from there but really wanted to see it. ‘There is not such a good place to go.’ He could remember what his mother had told him but he couldn’t shake off temptation. So he decided to wander. There was very crowded. This place was beautiful. People singing and dancing, even animals! He wanted to look inside the tent. He took a glance at tent’s inside. He eyes twinkled because of the sausage. He felt like his leg is moving no matter what he were thinking. Getting into the food warehouse he was surprised by a lots of sausages. Without permission he had began to eat them greedily. Rustle. Chubby shrunk with fear. He looked around slowly. He could not find anything at all but he could hear rustling sounds again. Chubby wonder where that sounds came from and next he saw something moving. It was Chameleon.
It stuck out its tongue, “Hey kiddo, what are you doing here?” he said.
He just freaked out that he couldn’t say anything.
“Oh, you were stealing food weren’t you?”
“Please don’t tell anybody!” said Chubby.
“Oh yes, oh yes, of course, if you give me some flies to me I’d be glad to do it, did you understand?”
Chubby nodded, “Where is flies?”
“There,” and he smiled. “I can’t open that cage.”
Chubby twisted cap and it was opened simply. Flies flew, Chameleon snatched flies. It didn’t miss even a fly’s leg.
“Wow, you have really great skill of eating. You’re the real chameleon,” said Chubby.
“You are good at eating too.” Chameleon said with a shy smile, “We have a point of sameness.” They smiled at each other.
“My name is Lemon,” Lemon stretched out her short arm.
“I’m Chubby.” They shook their hands and talked for a while. ‘Circus is not a bad place as mom said’ he thought.
“Hey, actually I know more great place,” Lemon said.
“Great place? Where?” asked Chubby.
“I don’t know what exactly places name is but we can learn by opening that box!”
“How do you know that?”
“Because when circus’s manager, Jumbo opens that box he bring lots of new fresh and delicious food.”
Chubby smacked his lips, “It sounds delicious,” he said. He walked like a duck for the reason of his greedy stomach heading toward the box. When he open the box hardly there was nothing. “Here is nothing!”
“No, there you’re.” Lemon smiled darkly, and then kicked Chubby’s bottom. Chubby fell into the box. He became imprisoned. He tried to open the box from inside but all in vain. He could hear Lemon’s singing, “I catched a pig, I catched a pig…”
Chubby screamed for help but nothing happened. He was tired from creaming and crying so fell asleep. When he woke up he could see Jumbo. He tried to say something but what he said was just sounds like grunting. “Grunt grunt,” said Chubby.
“Oh greedy man, you have stolen my foods so you really need to make it up for me. Today you have to jump into the fire ring.” Jumbo said rubbing his gold ring on his hand. Jumbo had a thick eyebrow and eyes lashes. He had eyes looked like mackerel’s but he could blink his eyes. He had cane as long as his nose. He was elephantine more than Chubby was. He walked with two legs and he was wearing a suit. Having a deep breath, Jumbo said, “Have a hard day! Haha.”
And he was having a really hard day! He had bad water and food, smacked by trainer, he cried over and over again. But what people can hear is only grunting sounds. The time when pigs had to move toward other tent Chubby could see his parents. They were looking for him. Chubby tried to say here is but he grunted. Then he tried to go after them but Jumbo smacked his bottom again.
They were doing rehearsal. Chubby had to run again, he back was wrung wet with sweat. And he saw really really important that Jumbo was disgusted by mice. He was avoiding them. Finally, show has started. People were amused by cute tricks, marvellous magic and so on. In his turn Chubby ran not forward fire ring but the cages of mice. Crushing to the cage powerfully the cage was broken. Then, a number of mice rushed out, the audience were frightened out of their wits, starting rushing out. Jumbo started run. His face turned deathly pale, as white as a sheet with fright. He staggered and slipped over and over again. Being out of his senses, he couldn’t recognise his tale’s burning. “I can’t stand mice!” he screamed. Circus become chaos. All the animals were springing up and no one could stop it.

When Jumbo recognised his tale was burning, it was too late, he lost most of his tale. Jumbo began to walk with four feet and animals began to walk with two legs. Jumbo rubbed his bottom on the ground. He just extinguished the fire when he saw his tale was gone, he screamed, “NO!” and that was the last word that he could say because magic spirit had been dwelling in his tale. Animals became little children, they were spelled as Chubby. When spell gone so that Chubby became human again he ran to the house directly.
- The End -
Elizabeth and Julia - what happened between the two?
By Jieun Ham

In the early 17th century, in the peaceful kingdom of Netherlands there was a princess name Elizabeth. She had her long straight blond hair tied with a red rose ribbon and her voice was so sweet. Furthermore, she more curious than an other princess. There was no one who hated her, except Julia, her sister. Elizabeth’s family were her father king, mother queen, brother prince (who name was Handsome) and sister princess.
One day Patrick, a prince from neighbour kingdom, came and proposed to Elizabeth. Elizabeth saw his honest eyes and accepted his proposal. Julia was looking that scene from behind. Julia was jealous of Elizabeth’s marriage. Elizabeth informed this engagement when her family were seated in the evening. Her parents and Handsome congratulated her but Julia’s eyes’ were full of unyielding spirit. After that day, when Elizabeth dressed with BIG HUGE wedding dress, was walking across the palace’s hall, Julia dropped the banana rind in front of Elizabeth pretending a really celebrating expression. So Elizabeth tripped over, twisted her ankle. At that moment Julia said was not “Sorry” but “you should be more careful.”
That day after lying down in the bed, Elizabeth played a card with her brother. Her ankle was hurting deeply so that she could walk around the garden. Patrick came to Elizabeth’s palace, 3 days after that accident, to ask after the health of his princess. But she had already recovered and she was playing with her brother Handsome. However Patrick saw them, he thought Elizabeth committed adultery with very handsome guy so Patrick became angry at her. Soon after Elizabeth father introduced his family members. Then Patrick realised that he had had a mistake and apologised to his lover, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth found a fascinating scarlet ruby earring when she visited her sister Julia’s room. Elizabeth asked Julia to lend it to her for wedding ceremony. Julia agreed very meekly. Julia lent Elizabeth earrings after dropping a drop of poison on each of them.
On her wedding day she put on those earrings then she became crazy and ran away into the enormous forest. She lost her way when she managed to come to her senses. She found a canary bird whose legs were broken. She took care of it and it gave her magical necklace which showed how to go back to the palace and what had happened in the palace.

When she finally came back everyone welcomes her. But there wasn’t Julia. Patrick said, “CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) members had investigated. They found that Julia had poisoned your earrings that you had put on your wedding day. She is in jail now.” Elizabeth released Julia on parole. They became very friendly sisters. A happy wedding ceremony was finally held.
- The End -
Organ man and Jim
by Ah-Young Kim (Carole)
There was a boy named Jim live by the forest. He's parents were so busy to taking care of him, so he always wandered around the forest. One day, he decided to go deeper into the forest. Soon, he got lost, and have no idea about where he was. Sun went down; it was so dark around him that he can't even recognize the place. He kept walking, got lots of brush burns. Finally, he found a little cabin with lights on. He was so scared by the dark. He had no choice but to brake into the cabin. 'It might be some lumberjack's house.' he thought. He was exhausted, hungry, and missed his parents so much. Soon he fell a sleep on a cozy sofa.
Jim woke up to a sweet smell of tasty food.
"Boy, you're awake!" a strange voice came out of the kitchen. Jim was surprised, because he was dreaming about his home, own home.
"I'm sorry, sir. Yesterday, I got lost at the forest. Have no choice but to come in here." Jim slowly answered to the stranger.
"No, it’s fine. You’re welcome in my cabin! Maybe I can help you to find your home,” the stranger said. Jim felt relief, ‘I can go home now. I’m safe.’ Jim thought.
“Son, aren’t you hungry?” stranger asked.
“Yes sir. I’m very hungry,” He replied.
“I made some soup for you, would you like to try it?” the stranger asked him again.
“That would be nice, thank you.” Jim answered.
“Ok here I’m coming.” Then, some guy came out of the kitchen. Jim was surprised by what he looks like.
The man was invisible except his organs. He was wearing clothes but Jim could see the brain right through the man’s skull. The strange man reads Jim’s face and said, “Boy, don’t be afraid. I was cursed by a wicked witch.” Jim felt sorry for him so he wanted to help him to found his original skin.
“Can I ask you what happened between you and the wicked witch?” Jim asked.
The man shortly thought about the past and said calmly. “I was a photographer taking nature’s beauty. I came here 3 years ago to take pictures of course, but I was possessed by something and when I woke up I became invisible but my organs are not. I can’t go back to my normal life. I should always dress up heavy to go out, and I can’t do such things anymore. I came back here, built this cozy house, and live here all alone.”
Jim thought he wasn’t lying at him, but couldn’t believe the evil witch did such things to him.

After Jim finished the soup, he went back to his sweet home. He was happy to see his parents who had been worried so much last night. Jim told his parents about what he saw and what he heard, but his parents never believed it. He was kind of upset but he was happy still. Jim visited his new friend almost every day. Jim called the man ‘Morgan’ because it sounds like an ‘organ’. Jim always brought news paper for his dear friend Morgan. Soon, they became best friends. One day, when Jim visited his friend, the evil witch attacked Morgan’s house. Jim and his friend Morgan realized that the evil witch wasn’t a real witch. It was a wicked scientist disguised as a witch. The evil scientist wanted to have his masterpiece back. But he failed to kidnap Morgan, because they were out in the wood.

Jim worried about his best friend. He thought about the solution everyday, all the time. In the end, he decided to secretly pass into the evil scientist’s lab. He made the plan to break in. Jim brought that plan to Morgan’s house. They were scared but brave. On the very same day that they broke in to the lab, the lab was empty; it was a chance for them to get back Morgan’s skin again. All of a sudden the evil scientist came back to his lab. Jim and Morgan were in danger, when they were almost caught by the evil scientist. A shocking thing happened, the real witch from the woods helped Jim and Morgan to run away. They fainted out when they got home, and when they woke up in the Morgan’s house there was note for them. It was from the witch. Morgan picked up the note and read it loudly. “Um…Dear, Jim and Matt. The scientist ass is kicked by me. He pretends to look like me and freak people out. I can’t stand those things. I am not really wicked or bad. I’m protecting the woods and I show the way for people who are lost in the woods. The scientist drop my dignity all the time. Matt, I will give you back your original skin. I hope you like it. See you around. I’m everything, and everywhere. Hope your luck. Mararet.”
Jim noticed that his friend’s skin was not invisible anymore, and one more thing, that his friend had a real name ‘Matt’. “Wow, I can’t believe it. The witch was never a “witch.” Matt said.
Jim answered with a big smile, “I knew the witch didn’t do such thing to you. And I’m happy for you to get your own skin finally.”
Matt smiled too.
Matt came back to his normal life, he had a photo exhibition. Jim was invited at the very first time. They became great friends, and lived happily ever after.
-The End-
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